Best Poker Players In The World

Top Poker Quotes From The Best Players Around the World

Many of the Best Poker Players in the World are Young Another thing that you might have noticed about this list of the top 50 best tournament poker players of all time is that many of them are young, 20's or 30's. On the list above, 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th are all below 40 years of age. In some cases like Fedor Holz, mid 20's. Chris Moorman is the best online poker tournament player in the world, amassing a record $13,751,801 at the time of this writing. Moorman is also has 25 triple crowns, which involves winning three online multi table tournaments with at least a $10k prize pool in a seven day span.

If you’re looking for Inspirational Poker Quotes, then you have come to the right place. I’ll share 25 top Poker Quotes from the Best and Professional Poker Players.

Everyone has something to say. And a lot has been spoken about poker. Many think that poker is based on Luck rather than Skill. Many will disagree. Also, many will agree with this. To end this debate, take a look at the Poker Quotes and decide for yourselves whether the Poker is a Game of Skill or Luck.

Some of these quotes are Inspirational. Some are Funny. Some are True Facts about Poker. All in all, these are the top poker quotes spoken by the best.

Doyle Brunson

Stu Ungar

Edward Norton

Chris Moneymaker

Daniel Negreanu

Paul Newman

Michael Gersitz

Best Poker Players In The World

Jennifer Tilly

Phil Ivey

Antonio Esfandiari

Phil Hellmuth

Al Alvarez

James Woods

Frank DiElsi


Gore Vidal

Lord Dewar

Amarillo Slim

Colson Whitehead

Joe Laurie Jr

Jack McClelland

Chip Reese

Mark Pilarski

Jonathan Swift

Mike Caro

Sammy Farha

These were the top 25Poker Quotes from the best poker players around the world. I hope you guys liked it. I hope you guys get inspired from these Quotes.

Remember, Always believe in yourselves no matter what you do. Stay blessed. Have a great day all. 🙂


To finish it off, I’ll share another 10 extra Poker Quotes by the Pros.

  1. “Serious poker is no more about gambling than rock climbing is about taking risks.” ~ Al Alvarez
  2. “In the long run there’s no luck in poker, but the short run is longer than most people know.” ~ Rick Bennet
  3. “Forget about a chip and a chair; give me a hand and I’ll stand.” ~ Warren Karp
  4. “Poker is not simply a game of odds, moves, and calculations. It is a game of controlled and exploited emotions including greed, fear, over-confidence, and anger.” ~ Steven Lubet
  5. “What scares me the most is that both the poker bot and Dropbox started out as distractions. That little voice in my head was telling me where to go, and the whole time I was telling it to shut up so I could get back to work. Sometimes that little voice knows best.” ~ Drew Houston
  6. “I’ve always had a love of cards, ever since I was a little kid. I think poker, as a system, describes the chaos of the world. Our sudden reversals, our freak streaks of fortune. The belief that the next hand can save you, and the inevitable failure of the next hand to save you. I think that describes my world view pretty well.” ~ Colson Whitehead
  7. “I believe in poker the way I believe in the American Dream. Poker is good for you. It enriches the soul, sharpens the intellect, heals the spirit, and – when played well, nourishes the wallet.” ~Lou Krieger
  8. “Poker is a combination of luck and skill. People think mastering the skill part is hard, but they’re wrong. The trick to poker is mastering the luck.” ~ Jesse May
  9. “It never hurts for potential opponents to think you’re more than a little stupid and can hardly count all the money in your hip pocket, much less hold on to it.” ~ Amarillo Slim
  10. “Poker may be a branch of psychological warfare, an art form or indeed a way of life – but it is also merely a game, in which money is simply the means of keeping score.” ~ Anthony Holden
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I am the owner of the site I love playing poker and other card games.

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The Netherlands and Amsterdam in particular, has long been known as one of the most progressive, liberal countries on Earth. Whether it’s legalizing marijuana before it was cool or being unashamed about one of its major tourist attractions, the Red Light District. When it comes to gambling, though, it was a country that was actually more cautious than others so while real-world gambling was permitted but regulated, online gambling, including online poker was prohibited under Dutch law.

Ironically, even as the Dutch government has unveiled plans to gentrify and clean up the Red Light District and that old Dutch liberalism seems to be under attack, major changes are afoot in the country’s laws towards online gambling – changes towards the more permissible. Rather than being banned, as of March this year online gambling will fall under the same regulatory body as its real-world, brick-and-mortar counterpart.

Best Poker Players In The World

Greatest Poker Players

This is huge news, of course, for poker fans. Poker has long been a big game in the country but soon it will be joined by online video poker in Holland. Online live poker has always been a bit of grey area as it wasn’t like online slots, for example, but was played between real players, just through the medium of the internet rather than face to face. As video poker games are legalized but regulated, this is all the more true for live poker gaming.

Best Poker Players In The World Right Now

What does regulation mean, though? It’s actually a fairly complicated process but it requires online gaming brands approaching the regulatory committee for a license to operate in the Netherlands. This license will include several safeguards to protect consumers from being exploited or ripped off by shady online gaming companies.

As such, the company in question will have to provide a brand name that makes it abundantly clear that what they’re offering are games of chance. Saying that customers are guaranteed to win, therefore would be strictly forbidden for online gambling companies. They are to ensure that people under 18 years of age are warned off the site and should not accept membership from anyone under the age of eighteen.

More generally, those applying for licenses need to prove that they are a legitimate business. This includes tax certification, high-level encryption standards and a legit physical address. These sites must offer the highest possible security when it comes to customers’ personal information and payment details. Extensive online support and a real-world phone number would be required for any gambling website looking to be certified by the Dutch Gambling Authority.

The gambling authority also takes gambling addiction extremely seriously. Unlike most gambling certificates given throughout the world, an online gambling company in Holland needs to provide extensive support for those who are addicted to gambling and to have mechanisms in place to ensure that their customers do not develop addictions. This means requiring an algorithm that allows the owners of these sites to spot any potentially addictive behavior by any of their clients and to intervene whenever possible and to offer them a variety of therapeutic options to deal with that addiction.


Best Poker Players

These seemingly draconian measures may seem harsh but most reputable online casinos, bookies and poker games should have most of these measures in place in the first place. These are not measures meant to stop gambling in a country known for its permissiveness but are there to protect the end users from being needlessly exploited by amoral or just plain shady gaming companies. Casinos in most countries are usually held to the highest standards so why shouldn’t their online alternatives be as well?

Best Poker Players In The World

How does this affect poker, though? The good news is that it doesn’t too much. Video poker sites will need to be licensed but if you’re a poker player who prefers the convenience of playing with friends or strangers online or even if you simply prefer playing against an artificial intelligence in colorful, theme-driven video poker games, all these regulations only really offer peace of mind if you happen to be playing online poker in the Netherlands or through a Dutch site. And that, really, is government regulation at its finest.